It's not easy growing up these days. Young people face challenges, pressures and temptations unimaginable just a few years ago. In a world of turmoil and constant change, parents increasingly look to Adventist educational institutions such as Milpitas Discoveryland to offer their children the tools they need to survive and succeed in this life--and for eternity.
Academically, the numbers speak for themselves:
Adventist Schools |
% of graduates who attend college: | 85+ | 66 |
% of graduates who complete college degrees: | 80+ | 14 |
% of applicants accepted to medical schools: | 34 | 9 |
% of teachers certificated: | Nearly 100 | 58 (in some states) |
Percentile performance on nationally normed tests: 70th percentile (better than 70% of all schools taking the test nationwide, which includes public and private schools) |
But some things--perhaps those that are most important--just can't be measured in test scores and college completion rates. Around the world, in more than 6,709 schools and through the inspired efforts of more than 65,679 Adventist teachers, young lives experience critical transformation.
It happens in morning worship, in earnest prayers, in community service projects and mission adventures. In so many little ways each day, our children find God and a future on their journey to excellence. And isn't that worth everything?